Prodotti / Processo e Life Science / Processo Pirometri Infrarosso

Pirometri Infrarosso

Dove la lunghezza d
Williamson - Monitors for SRU
Thermal reactors are high-temperature furnaces for thermally activated chemical processing. Typical reactors include sulfur recovery units (SRU), cata…
Williamson - Flame Intensity Monitor (FI)
FLAME INTENSITY (FI) Williamson Flame Intensity Monitors (FI) are the single-wavelength sensors of choice for a variety of flare applications where th…
Williamson - Pilot Monitor (PM)
PILOT MONITOR (PM) Flammable vent gasses are ignited by a pilot flame when released into the atmosphere by chemical and petrochemical plants of a…
Williamson - Flare Monitor (FM)
FLARE MONITOR (FM) Smokeless flares incinerate flammable hazardous vent gas with the assistance of supplemental high-velocity air or steam to prevent …
Williamson - Multi Wavelength
Pirometri con tecnologia a Multi Lunghezza d'Onda Certain materials can be difficult or near impossible to measure with precision using single- wavele…
Williamson - Ratio Bicolore
Pirometro con tecnologia Bicolore Ratio pyrometers are different from single-wavelength pyrometers in that they measure infrared energy at two wavelen…
Williamson - Single Wave
Pirometro con tecnologia Single-Wavelength Single-Wavelength pyrometers are preferred when appropriate due to simpler, lower-cost technology. They ar…