Applicazioni / Appliance Camere climatiche per Collaudo finale
Kambic - Camere Climatiche Fast & Ultrafast
Temperature and relative humidity controlled test polygonMaterial temperature & Rh resistance and product testingMaintaining superior temperature …
Kambic - Camere Termostatiche
Material temperature resistance and product testingMaintaining superior temperature stabilitySample conditioning prior to other testsData loggers and …
Kambic - Camere Climatiche Walk-in
Temperature and relative humidity controlled test enivoronmentMaterial temperature & Rh resistance and product testingMaintaining superior tempera…
Kambic - Camere Climatiche per Test di Stabilità
Perfect tool for stability testing in pharmaceutical IndustryFollowing ICH guidelinesCalibrated at all ICH points25°C±2°C / 60% Rh&plus…
Kambic - Camere Climatiche Standard
Temperature and relative humidity controlled test polygonMaterial temperature & Rh resistance and product testingMaintaining superior temperature …